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Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Sunday, October 12, 2014

''At the time of ferocity’’

 movement and Alanqguas

German Shepherd dog trainer, walking Kotairah manner, for example: foot front and rear on both sides interviewers moving together, so the mutilated must be commensurate with each of them, for example: the movement of the rear axle and is carrying through the center of the body and is compatible would be tantamount the forward movement of the hand does not cause unnecessary changes in the upper line,
Every trend in the rear quarter towards our Anqguas reduce sound and possibility, the right of proportionality between height and length, and the length of the bones of the man compliant lead to walk the floor and started crawling heh close to the ground and the impression of progress without tiring show .... with the payment of the head forward Zal and raised, it owns balance starts from the edges of moderate-to-end ear over Allrqubh then to the tip of the tail.

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