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Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Sunday, October 12, 2014

!! Cover !!

 the outer cover

 A) The average German Shepherd Dog Coverage:
The outer shell must be thick and dense as possible, the individual filaments straight, thick, and extends away from the body, short cover in the brain and comprehensive ear, and also the introduction legs, and feet, but long and heavier and in the neck.
Hair grows larger legs in the front and rear area, and hair length varies, and because of this disparity and difference, it is no more than a form of this cover, very short hair or light undesirable.
B) German Shepherd Pomeranian
Individual hairs are very long, and not always straight, and the addition is not lying down or diagonally on the body, and the outer cover is the longest at home and between the ear, now and later there will be a lock from the ear of the attachment to the other part, about the long thigh and thick, dense hair tail, this type of bears Alaguetahla weather such as type I, in this type, the chest and bones Almmtooth be more present dramatically.
C) German Shepherd Dog longer a cover:
Cover here is taller than the former type, and the general is very smooth and the parts until noon, and what is under the hood will be in the genitalia area, or would not have existed at all, the cover is too long a favorite in the weather.

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