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Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Head Complet Grogreos ! !

the head

You must be proportionate to the head with the body size (in length approximately 40 Mieh of the rise in the tail) and is not rude, and not scattered, and not taut.
 In general appearance, it must be dry with moderate width between the ears.
Forehead when he sees from the front or the side so they curved lightly, cheek is a gentle curve without jutting forward, and when you look at it from the top of it skull (about 50 in Mieh of head length) decreases gradually, from the ear to the tip of the nose, Emtemaylh manner and not Sharp,
Showing skull must be commensurate with the length of almost skull, and also, the biggest fashionable size in males and less in the case of females and Mqubloh these cases where it does not diminish the appearance of the year, a strong muzzle and lips courts and dry and well closed, sharp nose Tkos and Huo and almost parallel with the front.

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