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Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Officiel Pgae German Shepherd

Sunday, October 12, 2014

ooh yes !!!!

 the flesh And Corp

We must more than Zal length is approximately 100 to 117 in Mieh, dogs that sizes shorter or longer or square undesirable,
Chest deep (approximately 45-48 in Mieh the length of Zal), but not very broad, lower chest should be long and as much as possible is a senior.
Rib Liebig be a component of a long and correct manner, not flat and not Mstouh, should reach the middle to greatness in the chest, and that are in the same facility level,
Cage costal component correct manner allows free movement of the facility when the dog trot, Almkos rib significantly disturb attachment movement and causing circumvent,
Cage costal flat stir facilities in each direction,
Cage costal stretches in the back to the side so the dog be relatively short,
 Belly moderately raised,

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